Tuesday, April 14, 2009

March 8, 2009

Sandy is healing well. She had the catheter and staples removed February 25th, one week after surgery. All along the way, people have commented on how good she looks considering how recent surgery was. She is improving gradually and might be doing a little more around the house than advised. In any event, she's talked to her employer and plans to return to work part time tomorrow. Tomorrow!

But she cannot yet drive, per doctor's instructions, so I will be transporting her to the places where she must go, whether to work or to visit her mother or sisters or for shopping.

Sandy pulled a muscle in her back a week ago while trying to roll out of bed. Unfortunately, it was only AFTER this event (and maybe BECAUSE of it) that she became more adept at the roll. I don't think she'd ever pulled a muscle before, so she didn't know that it can hurt as badly as broken ribs (another experience she's never had) and take weeks to completely heal.

It is said that when one door closes another opens. It is not always easy to find the open door in situations like this, but one such door is how well events have gone for her so far. We attribute this in large part to the thoughts and prayers from you. We don't take them lightly.

Sandy has not yet begun chemotherapy. It has yet to be scheduled. First, she has made plans to see an oncological gynecologist at the University of Chicago. This will be next Friday. She has arranged for all pathology and other reports and samples to be sent to the doctor there. This Wednesday they will hold a meeting to go over this information in preparation for Friday's appointment.

The latest pathology report from Sandy's regular gynecologist (we received it last Wednesday) indicates that her cancer is a rare type that formed in her fallopian tubes. Cancer in both tubes that metastasized to the lining on her omentum, all of which was removed during her laparotomy. However, some of the cancer had caused the uterus to adhere to her bladder and, although the organs were separated and the uterus removed, not all of the cancer on the bladder wall could be removed safely. The gynecologist believes this is best killed off with chemotherapy treatment.

So next Friday we'll have more information. For now, she's been catching up on her favorite TV shows on Home & Garden TV. We've been playing Euchre and Rummy. She's been making bracelets. She's been getting back into doing the laundry (I truly believe it soothes her), although not carrying heavy loads.

Her gynecologist had told us that she could begin chemotherapy, at the earliest, 4 weeks after surgery. That would be March 18th. For now, no time for this has been set. She has the U of Chicago appointment Friday, followed by a local cancer doctor on the 26th and her gynecologist on the 27th.

As always, one day at a time. Thanks again for keeping Sandy in mind.

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