Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sandy got up this morning with redness in her face. Red cheeks from the chemo, looked like someone who's been working outside on a hot day. It's turned out to be a hot day, but that wasn't it.

One of the unfortunate events in the life of a chemo patient is that they lose their hair. Sandy had her hair cut short a while back, knowing it was going to fall out eventually. Well, it's been doing just that, so this morning she asked me to cut it all off.

I used barber shears and took it down as short as possible without shaving her head. I think that doing this bothered me more than it did her. By this time, she had become resigned to it and so to her it was something that needed to be done and that's the end of it. She put on a ball cap and headband and went to work getting ready for my son Scot and family's visit here tonight, tomorrow and into Sunday morning.

This afternoon she's been to Walmart, Walgreens and Kroger. I had told her to take it easy, that she doesn't have the energy she's used to having, but I'm not so sure she believes that. Or . . . she remembers how badly she felt on the weekend after her first chemo day, she believes it will happen again on
this weekend, and she wants to get done as much as possible before it does.

Whatever it is, I know she'll be OK. She always is, even when things don't go her way.

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