Friday, November 19, 2010


Sandy and I have seen her oncologist twice since I last wrote about her remission. We are happy to report that Sandy's doing well. She's had a CT scan and a couple of blood tests to determine the level of cancer activity in her system. The tests show that the cancer is under control. Her CA-125 score should be at or below 35. Her lowest score was 7.0, which was not long after she finished chemotherapy last summer. It is now 14.0, having crept up over the past year and a half. This might appear to be a problem, but the doctor said she's concerned when it doubles between readings. Nothing like that has happened so far. I figure that if it continues to go up 4 points a year it will be 2016 before it hits 35. I'm also hopeful that this will not happen, that she'll remain cancer-free.

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