Wednesday, July 8, 2009

After The 4th

Sandy is returning to "normal," now that the weekend has come and gone. The weekend following chemo are typically the worst days of chemo's 3-week cycle.

On this weekend we were blessed to have Scot and Heidi and the girls as guests. They were on their way from Atlanta, GA to St. Paul, MN. Scot passed his Aircraft Commander training with flying colors (if you will) and is now officially a pilot-in-command (civilian term) of a C130. We're very proud of him!
Sandy was in some pain and was very tired over the weekend, but coped well. On the 4th it rained all day. Not good. The neighborhood kids wanted to play outside, but couldn't.

Finally, an hour or so before sunset, the rain stopped and the sky brightened with a rainbow. The kids came out from everywhere. We lit sparklers and other fireworks and the kids ran all over the place in smoke.
It looked like this:

and this:

Ava had a great time with her friends Lexi and Zoey. Here, she gets a big hug from Zoey.

We also enjoyed watching Reese grow before our eyes.

Finally, when we all went to dinner, our little Ava occasionally acted less like a big sister to Reese than like "The Exor-sister":

We were sorry to see them go, but at the same time Sandy needed rest and she got it on Sunday.

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