Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Trip to The E. R.

By Saturday afternoon Sandy had told me 3 times that she could hear her heartbeat in her head, that she had a headache, and that she had a "floater" in her right eye. None of these symptoms had shown up after previous chemo days, so I looked at the "When to call the doctor" list provided by the UCMC. Changes in vision, did that qualify? I wasn't sure, but with the rest of her symptoms I suggested she call her doctor.

And so she did. She got the on-call doctor. He heard her symptoms, then said the floater probably wasn't a problem but the complaints involving her head might be. Better to go to the local emergency room to be sure.

We got to the E. R. at the Riverside Medical Center just before 7 pm Saturday and left at 10:40. The doctor had Sandy's blood drawn, did an EKG, performed a CAT scan and an ultrasound of her carotid artery, not to mention take her temp, blood pressure and pulse.

Result? No weakening of vessel walls inside her head, no indication in any of the tests of problems. Was it a waste of time? Maybe, but we did find out that . . . under the circumstances . . . she's in decent shape!

Otherwise, for Sandy, yesterday and today were days on the couch doing nothing, which suited her just fine.

Our granddaughter Reese became a professional model on Friday at the tender age of just over 5 months! I might be exaggerating, but I'm not THAT far off! You can read all about it at <this link>.

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