Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sandy is still in pain from the chemo but she put in a full day at work. She was tired when she got home from work. We had dinner, she made a couple phone calls, took a couple Tylenol and went to bed after watching part one of the final episode of Desperate Housewives (off the DVR).

Some effects from chemo are cumulative. One of these effects seems to be that the white blood count drops with successive treatments, making her more vulnerable to infection. Other effects might include longer periods of pain. We don't know if it's that or if it's because Sandy is taking fewer Vicodin and more Tylenol.

Vicodin causes constipation, Tylenol (as far as we know) does not.
It's both true and unfortunate that constipation is one of the more annoying "features" of chemotherapy. Opioids such as those in hydrocodone (the opiate aspect of Vicodin) cause constipation, yet you might need the relief that Vicodin provides. You're stuck with problems no matter which way you turn.

And this is not to mention that most meds provided to Sandy that control nausea also seriously aggravate her restless legs syndrome, so she chooses not to take them.

Smokey has been in the basement for two days after having peed on Sandy's bed. He's quarantined until we can determine if he has a bladder infection. Meanwhile, he's been howling at night and beating hard on the door to the basement, wanting to get out. He's a big cat and makes enough noise when pounding on the door that, a few years ago when he was here, Scot thought someone was trying to break in.

I squirted Smokey a couple times until he stayed downstairs and quieted down. Sandy needs her sleep.

She'll feel better tomorrow, if past is prologue.

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